Interpol don't explain themselves.That might be the secret of why they hold the music to such high standards.Anyone could find a way to transcript all their influences(Joy,Echo,Cure,Depeche Mode) but to do so with such disreguard for how it's percieved when image is clearly an important piece of their mystique(NY fashion Week anyone)
Antics is not the difficult follow-up so many bands worry and slave over it's the sound of a band making music with no purpose other than for themselves and if you like it "Great thanks for the support"
Antics captures the vibrant live presentation of how Interpol sounds(7 shows I've seen) They are mercenaries their personality and connection to the audience is only thru the mood and drama in the bridges and chord changes nothing other than Song titles and Thank You is ever said
"Were Not Going To The Town/"Were Going To The City" (Next Exit)follows a classic organ open to set the mood,No Lyrics like those best sum up the message you get right from the start of the album
Interpol don't care what you wanted or expected this is Interpol for better or worse
"Evil" a live favorite puts forth a visual throughout the album Pale white suits living on the beach,watching the woman he desires(Interpol's Beach Party) The Longing in the emotion from Paul's "Is This Motion Everlasting?"
It will make even the most romantic stop to think
"Narc" is The Undercover Lover who at first grabs your attention with an opening line like "Touch Your Thighs/I'm the Lonely One" surfs Daniel's signiture guitar lines into a loss of love while proclaiming such half truths like "You should Be In My Space"
"Take You On A Cruise" is SEX that's it that's all so many cheeky references even the mixer had to be laughing at how it hides a simple statement does Interpol get away with more clusmy lyrics then any other band but yet they feel real in the context again this is continues The Beach Theme and the mystery that surrounds the album
"Slow Hands"-You either love it or Hate it this is Interpol polishing their shoes and straighting their ties while the indie cred moans about selling out(taylored suits=didn't already make you think sell-out indie children)
"Not Even Jail"-A Masterpiece my favorite song this is how I imagine they will continue to evolve the bridge is the star of this album and is repersented by just how not one second of the 41 min running time is wasted every changes contains something distict and hidden(this only appears after repeated listens)
"Public Pervert"- the druming,druming is esstential to why the change from catchy romantic plea turns to Johnny Greenwood lite guitar changes eveything in terms of the drama and style is perfect
C'Mere-AH the longing of watching someone in love with someone else feels like the sound of Carlos bass drops this one hurts so beautifully
Length of Love-The oldest of the 10 tracks it's been played for almost a year and half no changes in studio but loses a small bit of energy still the "complex salcious removal" chrous works the end is sadly near is how I feel when I hear this
A Time to Be Small-When this reaches the bridge you can imagine an curtain closing as "You Cannot Leave" ends a slow breakdown of all the strengths displayed on this go around (more beach,boat,ocean references)
Interpol have done tremendous press for the release and have been very guarded behind the Meaning of Antics.However in one intereview in "Under The Radar"
Paul Banks conveyed in one statement why I connect with their music so much
"I don't have preconcieved notions about the reasons or what defines us as a group of artists all I understand is I make music and the best music I know gives you Feelings"
I think that might be thier secret they remind me so much of myself Romantic/Elitetist/and just a sense of all that matters is how I feel everything else is supose to be a mystery......
One of the best albums of the year and the decade
is it better than Turn On The Bright Lights that's for time to decide me I'm off to the beach in a black dress shirt with a red wine stained tie(